Tuesday, November 18, 2014

...gratitude as a ritual.

The recent Open Studios and studio 20th anniversary weekend was a blast! A parade of people came through and shared in artful festivities. For me those two days amplify my already growing gratitude for all the support I've received over the years at 10th and California. It must be true for all career paths right?Mentors, Medici, angels and patrons show up at the right time to keep the fire burning. The unexpected arrive at pivotal moments to stir up flames from embers. Sometimes they blow wind into still sails. Commitment, motivation and perseverance build fine momentum but even the most stalwart and steadfast person can be thrown off course. Trailblazers do get lost. And even what's perceived as a solitary pursuit actually requires many hands. Maybe especially, so as I remain wholehearted about my path I'm also wholeheartedly grateful for those who have supported this artist in countless ways. My flames are burning and my sails are full.

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