Above are random recent images from my daily drawing ritual. I usually sit at one of the handful of cafes between my home and studio although not always. It doesn't matter where I perch or what I scribble just as long as I do it. Expanding my list of locales crosses my mind, and occasionally I do, but mostly I don't. I like a table and chair to sit at since I write too. The cafe across from Lincoln Park on Clement has pulled me in recently. It's funky inside with an old piano sitting unused like a prop and a backyard patio that is quiet. Quiet is something I have been savoring. There are very few places to go where music isn't constantly playing and crowding out the sound of silence. Maybe I'll try the museum today for a sketch and the Picasso exhibit.
I've been using the application Photosynth to shoot panoramas. The pics serve as a visual connection for me to my workspace. Something to look at when I'm not there. What I enjoy most are the unplanned hallucinatory overlaps and blurs that occur. These tend to give my studio a dose of magic realism. And offer a subtle suggestion for my paintings perhaps in a place where anything is possible.